BlockManagerWorker |
Executor-side block manager.
BlockTransferThrottler |
A class to restrict parallel connection per runtime edge.
BroadcastManagerWorker |
Used by tasks to get/fetch (probably remote) broadcast variables.
DataUtil |
Utility methods for data handling (e.g., (de)serialization).
DataUtil.InputStreamIterator<T> |
An iterator that emits objects from InputStream using the corresponding DecoderFactory .
DirectByteBufferOutputStream |
This class is a customized output stream implementation backed by
ByteBuffer , which utilizes off heap memory when writing the data via MemoryPoolAssigner.
FileArea |
A file area descriptor.
LimitedInputStream |
This class provide functionality to limit bytes read from InputStream .
MemoryChunk |
This class represents chunk of memory residing in off-heap region
managed by MemoryPoolAssigner , which is backed by ByteBuffer .
MemoryPoolAssigner |
The MemoryPoolAssigner assigns the memory that Nemo uses for writing data blocks from the MemoryPoolAssigner.MemoryPool .
PipeContainer |
PipeManagerWorker |
Two threads use this class
- Network thread: Saves pipe connections created from destination tasks.
SerializerManager |