ClonedSchedulingProperty |
Specifies cloned execution of a vertex.
ClonedSchedulingProperty.CloneConf |
Configurations for cloning.
EnableDynamicTaskSizingProperty |
Property to enable dynamic task sizing policy.
IgnoreSchedulingTempDataReceiverProperty |
A property represents that a vertex annotated with this property doesn't process any data and
should be regarded as a kind of "marker" to construct a temporary edge that contains some data that
have to be written before it's usage is not determined (e.g., for caching).
MessageIdVertexProperty |
Vertices and edges with the same MessageId belong to the same run-time optimization.
ParallelismProperty |
This property decides the number of parallel tasks to use for executing the corresponding IRVertex.
ResourceAntiAffinityProperty |
Indices of tasks that must not concurrently run on the same executor.
ResourceLambdaProperty |
Resource property supporting Lambda Pass.
ResourceLambdaProperty.Value |
Possible values of DataStore ExecutionProperty.
ResourceLocalityProperty |
This property decides whether or not to schedule this vertex only on executors where
source (including intermediate) data reside.
ResourcePriorityProperty |
ExecutionPlacement ExecutionProperty.
ResourceSiteProperty |
Map between node name and the number of parallelism which will run on the node.
ResourceSlotProperty |
This property decides whether or not to comply to slot restrictions when scheduling this vertex.
ScheduleGroupProperty |
ScheduleGroup ExecutionProperty.